Gentrain Course Registration
Online Registration for Spring 2023 Gentrain has begun. Use the directions below. Note: If you wait until class starts, you will need to get an 'add code' from Dr Haffa.
How to Register for Non-Credit Gentrain in Spring 2023
Note: Registration at MPC is now ONLINE!. The directions below will assist you in registering ONLINE for Gentrain in Spring 2023. Go to the Webreg site, and sign in using your MPC ID number (9 digits) and your PIN. Go to Add/Drop/Register, select Spring 2023, Section number 0253. Help is available from the Admissions Office. Telephone: (831) 646-4002/4007 Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm; Friday 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
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Alternatively, the DO-IT-YOURSELF online registration process works like this:
IMPORTANT: You MAY need to use the Microsoft Internet Explorer or Edge browser to do online registration! We have seen other browsers give false errors that prevent you from registering..
- Visit MPC’s web site (
- Click WebReg (left end of top row menu)
- For returning students, log in with your Student ID and PIN.
- For initial entry as a student new to MPC, or if you have not registered in the past year:
- ID Number (enter your SS# if you do not know your student ID number)
- PIN (enter your 8-digit birth date (MMDDCCYY), no spaces)
- Click Login
- If asked, update your PIN. It is your responsibility to remember the PIN you entered. From this point, you will be using this PIN when activating your Student Portal.
- You may see that you have to "Apply here". Clicking the link will take you to an "Application to College" page, where you will create a new "OpenCCC account".
Be advised that the OpenCCC "Create New Account" process is long, confusing, and very intrusive. It took the author over 30 minutes to complete.
- You are now in your Student Portal.
- To register, click on Add/Drop/Register
- Select the semester/session in which you are registering
- Enter the 4-digit section number of the class(es) you wish to register into the “Enter Section Number box, click the “Add to Cart” button. Note: If you enter 0525 as the first section, the system may automatically offer to add the other three sections (0532, 0538, & 0546).
To add the Gentrain Non-credit sections:
Course Title | Section ID |
Gent 401 | 0525 |
Gent 402 | 0532 |
Gent 403 | 0538 |
Gent 404A | 0546 |
- After you have selected all four courses, continue your registration by clicking on “Checkout.”
- Gentrain is an on-line "virtual" course, offered at NO COST in Fall 2022, although there is a $42 "student fee" charged for "services", not tuition. You do have to pay that to register.
- When adding or dropping courses, always print your receipt. This will be your record of the courses that you have added and/or dropped.
- If you need to make schedule changes at a later time, you may. If the system tells you there is a conflict or you are already signed up for a class, you must first drop the courses that you no longer intend to take and then add the classes that you want to take instead.
- If you wish to purchase a Parking Permit, click Optional Fees. Once payment is made, you may pick up your Parking Permit at the Admissions & Records Office in the Student Services Building during office hours.
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General Information
MPC offers four four-week Gentrain courses in the Fall Semester and four four-week courses in the Spring Semester. Each week of class requires four hours of attendance, Tuesday and Thursday 8:45-11:00 in LF 103 (see MPC Campus Map). Classes may be taken for non-credit or for credit. One semester unit of credit is earned for each four-week class, and three units of credit are earned for each twelve-week class.
Students who wish to attend "for credit" should refer to the Spring 2023 MPC catalogue. In any case, come to the Gentrain class for a visit, and if you want to stay, you can get help to register.
Attendence Procedures
Please be sure to check your name on the appropriate (credit/non-credit) attendance sheet at every class section.
Grading Options
At the credit level, Gentrain may be taken either for Letter Grade or for Credit/No Credit. Requirements are the same for both.
Letter Grade
The student will take a 32-question objective examination at the end of the two-week class and write an out-of-class essay (4-6 pages) in response to questions designed to evaluate the student's comprehension of material treated in the class. The essay will be due on the Tuesday following the objective exam. The objective exams will be graded as follows: 29-32 correct = A; 26-28 = 8; 22-25 = C; 19-21 = D. The objective exam grade and the essay grade will be averaged to arrive at the final grade for the class (for the 20 series, three objective exams and three essay grades will be so averaged).
Credit/No Credit
As indicated, requirements are the same for credit/no credit as for letter grade. A student must achieve at least a grade of 'C' as his/her final course grade to achieve a grade of 'Credit.'
Some Important Reminders
- Both Letter Grade and Credit units are tranferable to the University of California System.
- Credit/No Credit grades are not figured into a student's grade point average. No more than 20 units of Credit/No Credit can be used toward fulfillment of MPC's Associate degree requirement.
- Attendance is a requirement for both of the above options.
Gentrain at the 400 Level
Since no credits are earned, there are no specific requirements for Gentrain at the 400 level beyond attendance. No units of credit are awarded, and courses do not appear on the student's transcript.